Alan I. Taub
Faculty Affiliate
Materials Science and Engineering
- Ph.D. Applied Physics, Harvard University 1979
- M.S. Applied Physics, Harvard University 1977
- B.S. Materials Engineering, Brown University 1976
My major research interest is in understanding the inter-relationships between processing, microstructure and properties in materials; with an emphasis on mechanical, electrical and magnetic applications. Present research focus is on lightweight structures for land, sea and air transportation applications. Projects include incremental forming of sheet metal and nano-particle additions to aluminum alloys. For polymer composites, we are studying the effect of carbon nanotube and graphene additions to polymer composites utilizing electrical and magnetic fields to produce oriented particles for improved mechanical properties.
I am also the Senior Technology Advisor for LIFT (Lightweight Innovations for Tomorrow) which is a new lightweight metals manufacturing innovation institute. LIFT is a $150M public-private partnership developing new manufacturing processes for lightweight metals (AHSS, Al, Mg, Ti). The Institute is located in Detroit, MI and conducts research on industry-relevant applications with LIFT members from academia, industry and federal laboratories.