Displaying 1 - 24 of 322
Michigan Maritime Strategy
Project SummaryThe Center for Sustainable Systems (CSS) at the University of Michigan is collaborating with the Department of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering on the Michigan Maritime Strat...
EARNEST: Resilience strategies for a net-zero neighborhood
Led by Stanford University, Equitable, Affordable & Res...
Estimating and monetizing the health benefits of improving household energy efficiency in Michigan
Inefficient residential energy use, which often occurs in conjunction with low-quality housing, raises greenhouse gas emissions and negatively impacts health. Residents may face the “heat-or-eat” dile...
Anti-frost coatings to improve heat pump efficiency and adoption in cold climates
The use of heat pumps is becoming more common in residential buildings and newer electric vehicles (EVs) because of their dramatic potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Air-sourced heat pumps ...
Assessment of Pumped Hydro Energy Storage potential throughout the Great Lakes
Wind and solar energy both generate power intermittently. To allow these renewables to proliferate while maintaining grid stability, significant energy storage must be developed. The National Renewabl...
Advancing Just and Equitable Decarbonization by Quantifying Future Residential Electricity Demand and Household Energy Burdens under Decarbonization Pathways and Climate Change
To achieve carbon neutrality, residential energy needs—including for space heating—must be fully electrified. How electrification will affect the shape, peak, and total consumption of electricity in r...
Lightweighting Benefits for EVs
Electrification is a key corporate strategy and is motivated chiefly by sustainability concerns for the conventional technology. The research results from the project will better define the sustainabi...
Life cycle carbon footprint analysis and improvement strategies for US maple syrup production
Project purpose
Maple syrup producers can influence greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with production practices. We will conduct a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of maple syrup production, focus...
Analysis of SEMCOG’s Flooding Risk Tool: Incorporating Equity into Transportation Planning
Multiple flood risk tools are available that address problems for different economic sectors, institutions, and geographic domains. A common goal among the majority of these tools is assistance with i...
CAS-Climate: Coupling Decarbonization of the Power System with Advance Planning for Integrating Negative Emission Technologies
Electric power system utilities are engaged in work to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions intensity of electricity generation. The ultimate aim is to reach near-zero carbon dioxide emissions. Effe...
Hydrogen Roadmap for the State of Michigan Workshop
The University of Michigan Office of Research and the Center for Sustainable Systems are hosting the Hydrogen Roadmap for the State of Michigan Workshop on the UM Ann Arbor Campus.
Hydrogen Roadmap...
Calculating Avoided Food Waste from the Cold Chain
This project will quantify avoided food waste/loss emissions associated with cold chain services, net of emissions of the equipment needed to refrigerate foods.. The purpose of the project will be to ...
Sustainability Implications of the Rural-Urban Digital Economy Divide
The rural-urban divide refers to a range of disparities associated with access to a variety of services, livelihood opportunities, and income within urban and rural communities. In addition to creatin...
MASTER'S PROJECT: Meijer Scope 3 Carbon Accounting Framework
As a retailer with business activities, including procurement, distribution, manufacturing, and retail operations in over six U.S. states, Meijer has a vast and complex value chain. In order to expand...
A Roadmap to Participatory Design of Nuclear Energy Infrastructure
Nuclear energy’s powerful potential to advance decarbonization of the energy sector is compromised by a number of legacy issues. Historically, developers have failed to engage host communities as p...