Hydrogen Roadmap for the State of Michigan Workshop
The University of Michigan Office of Research and the Center for Sustainable Systems are hosting the Hydrogen Roadmap for the State of Michigan Workshop on the UM Ann Arbor Campus.
Hydrogen Roadmap Workshop Goals
Goal 1: Seek stakeholder input to characterize the potential (tech readiness and scale, economics, competition, efficiency/carbon reduction, justice issues/opportunities) for H2 production, delivery, storage and end-use applications and sectors (Transportation, Power, Industry, Buildings) across time and space in Michigan and connections to hubs and spokes in the Region.
Goal 2: Discuss options for DOE Regional Hub proposal(s), i.e., source for generation, marketplace, delivery routes, partnerships and outline next steps in responding to the DOE RFP expected mid May.
Hydrogen Roadmap Objectives and Parameters
Objectives: Develop a roadmap for hydrogen infrastructure deployment in MI that evaluates resiliency, economic development, justice and equity, and end use applications across sectors (transportation, power, industry, building).
Study Parameters:
- Technology (readiness, constraints, competition (with other carriers, technologies))
- Scale (capacity and potential for H2 production, delivery, storage, and end use applications)
- Spatial mapping and analysis of H2 supply chain (potential hub(s) and spokes) including: production sites, routing network, industrial sites, fueling stations, etc.
- Regional linkages extending beyond the State boundary
- Socio-economic (jobs, justice, and equity issues)
- Carbon reduction potential (contribution to State and National targets), other environmental impacts
- Time Horizon: near term: to 2030; and longer term: 2030 - 2050