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Ann Arbor 2030 District Tenant Engagement Toolkit

CSS Publication Number
Full Publication Date
April 20, 2022

In conjunction with the Ann Arbor 2030 District and the University of Michigan (UM), this project aims to create a suite of engagement tools to assist 2030 Districts Network members in meeting their reduction goals for transportation emissions, energy and water use, and waste. The goal of this research is to gather information about tenants’ sustainability habits, interests, efforts, and barriers and identify ways AA2030 District can support landlords in engaging with tenants to reduce water consumption, energy consumption, waste production, and transportation emissions. Applicability in other 2030 Districts will also be a priority during engagement toolkit development.

Research Areas
Framework, Methods & Tools
Publication Type
Master's Thesis
Digital Object Identifier
Full Citation

Eis, Kacey (2022). Ann Arbor 2030 District Tenant Engagement Toolkit. Master's Thesis. University of Michigan: Ann Arbor. CSS22-55