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Book Review of "Introduction to Water Resources and Environmental Issues"

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April 5, 2011

Water is an essential life‐sustaining resource whose existence and availability for human use are often taken for granted. It is often utilized by people who are unaware of where the water originated and what happens to the water following use. Beyond meeting direct human use, water enables all living species to survive and flourish and is a renewable natural resource. The authors' preface frames the context for this book; namely, it is to make the subject of water, water resources, and water's interactions in the environment understandable, approachable, and relevant to a wide range of students.

Research Areas
Urban Systems and Built Environment
Water Resources

Hydrology, Water Quality, Water Resources

Publication Type
Digital Object Identifier
Full Citation

Bulkley, Jonathan W. (2011) Review of "Introduction to Water Resources and Environmental Issues" by Karrie Lynn Pennington and Thomas V. Cech. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 92(14): 121-121.