City of Ann Arbor Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Plan
On October 20, 1997 the City of Ann Arbor joined the International Council for Local Environmental Initiative's (ICLEI) Cities for Climate Protection campaign (CCP). Under the obligation of the CCP campaign the City is required to create an inventory of energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, set a reduction target, develop a strategy to reduce their GHG emissions, implement the necessary measures, and monitor their results.
The objectives of this Project are to: raise local awareness and understanding of the social, environmental, and economic benefits of reducing GHGs on a local and global scale; identify and quantify GHGs emitted by the City of Ann Arbor from 1990 to present, and project future emissions values to 2050 based on historic and future trends; identify and quantify the City of Ann Arbor's emissions reduction accomplishments since 1990; identify a politically and economically feasible GHG emissions reduction target for the City of Ann Arbor to achieve by 2020; identify strategies to reduce GHG emissions generated by Ann Arbor's transportation, residential, commercial, industrial, municipal solid waste sectors, the municipal government, and the University of Michigan's Ann Arbor Campus that meet the reduction target specified by this Project.
This Project sets a reduction target of 7% below 1990 GHG emissions by 2020 and develops 29 measures, collectively to reduce emissions to 3% below 1990 levels by 2020. The target reduction can be met by the City if full implementation of the 29 measures is achieved along a more aggressive timeline. Two alternative implementation paths, 2018 and 2015, achieve emissions reductions of 5% and 7% below 1990 GHG emissions levels respectively. The 29 measures are divided into four categories: Community Outreach and Education, Energy Conservation, Transportation, and Solid Waste Management. Each measure is evaluated for its potential to reduce GHG emissions, as well as its initial cost, annual cost, annual cost savings, and payback to the municipality.
Epstein, S., J. Malcoun II, J. Oorbeck and M. Yamada. 2003. City of Ann Arbor Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Plan. Master's Project. University of Michigan: Ann Arbor: 1-431.