Decentralized Charging Control for Large Populations of Plug-in Electric Vehicles: Application of the Nash Certainty Equivalence Principle
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September 10, 2010
The paper develops and illustrates a novel decentralized charging control algorithm for large populations of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs). The proposed algorithm is an application of the so-called Nash certainty equivalence principle (or mean-field games.) The control scheme seeks to achieve social optimality by establishing a PEV charging schedule that fills the overnight demand valley. The paper discusses implementation issues and computational complexity, and illustrates concepts with various numerical examples.
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Research Areas
Mobility Systems
Decentralized control, Nash certainty equivalence (NCE) principle, plug-in electric vehicles
(PEVs), ‘valley-fill’ charging control
Publication Type
Conference Proceeding
Digital Object Identifier
DOI: 10.1109/CCA.2010.5611184
Full Citation
Ma, Zhongjing, Duncan Callaway, and Ian Hiskens. "Decentralized Charging Control for Large Populations of Plug-in Electric Vehicles: Application of the Nash Certainty Equivalence Principle." Proceedings from the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, part of the Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, September 8-10, 2010, Yokohama, Japan. 191-195.
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