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Post-consumer packaging waste from express delivery in China

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May 2019

Express delivery plays a vital role in modern economy, but also brings great concern on post-consumer packaging waste. This study is therefore designed to characterize the material flows and environmental implications of post-consumer packaging waste from express delivery in China. While express delivery packaging uses mainly recycled materials, post-consumer packaging wastes are only partially recycled in China. In addition, plastic packaging materials are mainly produced from recycled agricultural films and contain chemical residues from pesticide applications which may have significant health impacts on employees and consumers in the express delivery industry. Policy suggestions are provided for government, express delivery service providers, and consumers to mitigate environmental impacts of post-consumer packaging waste from China’s booming express delivery industry.

Guanghan Song
Huabo Duan
Xiaobin Dong
Research Areas
Consumer Products & Packaging
Food Systems and Consumer Products
Contaminant, Express delivery, Health impact, MFA, Packaging waste
Publication Type
Journal Article
Digital Object Identifier
Full Citation
Duan, Huabo, Guanghan Song, Shen Qu, Xiaobin Dong, and Ming Xu. (2019) "Post-consumer packaging waste from express delivery in China." Resources, Conservation and Recycling 144: 137-143.