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Redefining Resilience and Equity in the Time of Climate Change

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April 19, 2022

Technological and social innovations are rapidly advancing in communities across the United States and abroad to address the root causes of climate change and fortify community resilience. Resilience can be defined in many ways, but is generally defined as the ability to bounce back into shape or to adapt to conditions despite adversity, trauma, or other threats. Being resilient is rewarded, but low-income communities and communities of color have proven to be beyond resilient. This reality of survival resilience is neither just nor sustainable.

Jalonne L. White-Newsome
Publication Type
Journal Article
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Full Citation

White-Newsome, Jalonne L. and Reames, Tony G., Redefining Resilience and Equity in the Time of Climate Change, Environmental Justice, Volume15, Issue 2, pages 71-71, 2022. CSS22-42