Protocol and Preliminary Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory of Steelcase, Inc.
Steelcase has recently joined the Climate Leaders (CL), an industry-government partnership, created by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This initiative commits the company to develop a corporate-wide GNG Inventory that includes all emission sources of the six major GHGs (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6) using the Climate Leaders GNG Inventory Protocol. Furthermore, Steelcase will develop a corporate GNG Inventory Management and Emissions Reduction Plan with reduction goals to be achieved over the next 5 to 10 years. Successful implementation of these goals will position Steelcase at the forefront of the office furniture manufacturing industry as it becomes the first company to achieve a comprehensive GHG emissions reduction strategy.
This master's research project is dedicated to the first phase of the CL GNG Inventory Protocol. I will create a corporate wide (limited to Steelcase's North American operations) GHG Inventory following guidelines and standards prescribed by the CL Program. Successful implementation of the inventory will enable Steelcase to assess its energy demands at all relevant industrial sites and sales/office facilities. This assessment will pave the way to a comprehensive, corporate-wide GHG emissions reduction strategy.