9th - John Holdren - Science and Technology Priorities and Opportunities in the Obama Administration
March 22, 2010 | 5:00 pm
John P. Holdren
7th - Bill Ford - The Road to Sustainable Transportation
November 13, 2007 | 5:00 pm
William Clay Ford, Jr., Executive Chairman and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Ford Motor Company
6th - Lord Browne - Sustainability: A Practical Agenda
November 14, 2006 | 5:00 pm
Lord Browne of Madingley, Group Chief Executive of BP
5th - Al Gore - Special Lecture on Global Climate Change
October 24, 2005 | 5:30 pm
Al Gore, 45th Vice President of the United States
4th - Gro Brundtland - Sustainable Development: A Global Perspective on Ecology, Economy & Equity
October 29, 2004 | 12:00 pm
Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, thrice-former Prime Minister of Norway; recent Director-General of World Health Organization; Chair of UN World Commission on Environment and Development
3rd - Peter Newman - Cities as Sustainable Ecosystems
March 31, 2004 | 4:00 pm
Dr. Peter Newman, former Professor of City Policy and Director of Institute for Sustainability and Technology Policy, Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia; now Professor of Sustainability at Curtin University
2nd - Joe Sax - Reflections on the Great Lakes
November 06, 2002 | 4:30 pm
Dr. Joseph L. Sax, Professor of Environmental Regulation, Emeritus, U-C Berkley, School of Law
1st - Rosina Bierbaum - Environmental Challenges for the 21st Century: A Matter of Degrees
October 17, 2001 | 4:30 pm
Dr. Rosina M. Bierbaum, Dean of the School of Natural Resources & Environment