U.S. Food System Factsheet

Americans enjoy a diverse abundance of low-cost food, spending a mere 11.2% of disposable income on food.1 However, store prices do not reflect the external costs—economic, social, and environmental—that impact the sustainability of the food system. Considering the full life cycle of the U.S. food system illuminates the connection between consumption behaviors and production practices.

The Food System Life Cycle
The Food System Life Cycle


Patterns of Use

Agricultural Production

  • In 2022, farmers were 1% of the U.S. population and 63% of these farmers were over the age of 55, up 2% from 2017.2,3,4 
  • Large-scale family farms and industrial nonfamily farms account for under 6% of farms, but represent over 60% of production (in $).5 Small-scale family farms represent 88% of U.S. farms, but only 18.7% of production.5 
  • Just 14.5¢ of every dollar spent on food in 2021 went back to the farm; in 1975, it was 40¢.6,7
  • In 2018-2020, 41% of the hired agricultural labor force lacked authorization to work in the United States.8
  • From 1997 to 2022, U.S. cropland decreased by 14% from 445M to 382M acres.2 
  • Many agricultural regions in the U.S. are experiencing groundwater depletion (withdrawal exceeds recharge rate).9 In 2015, 118B gal/d of water were used for irrigation 48% of it from groundwater.10,11
  • In 2022, the amount of irrigated farmland in the U.S. was over 54M acres, 4M less than in 2017.2
  • Nutrient runoff from the upper agricultural regions of the Mississippi River watershed creates a hypoxic “dead zone” in the Gulf of Mexico. The 2017 dead zone was the largest measured since 1985, at 8,776 mi2.12
  • From 2007 to 2012, pesticide use increased by 10% while herbicide use increased by 20% from 2010 to 2014.13 In 2012, the U.S. agriculture sector used 899M lbs of pesticides.13
  • In 2000, 25% of corn, 61% of cotton, and 54% of soybeans planted were genetically engineered; by 2023, these percentages increased to 93%, 97%, and 95%, respectively.14
  • The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization estimates 75B t of soil are lost to erosion annually on fertile lands, a financial loss of $400B per year.15
  • Agriculture was responsible for 10% of total U.S. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2022. Methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and carbon dioxide (CO2) are the main GHGs emitted by agricultural activities. Livestock and soil management are major contributors.16

Consumption Patterns

  • In 2010, U.S. food supply provided 4,000 calories per person per day.17 Accounting for waste, the average American consumed 2,501 calories per day in 2010, up 22% from 1970.18
  • One estimate suggests that 2% of total annual energy use in the U.S. is used to produce food that is later wasted.19
  • In 2021, 185 lbs of meat per person were available for consumption, up 11.6 lbs from 1969.20 Red meat consumption declined 24% since 1970, while chicken consumption more than doubled.20 Animal feed uses 36% of grains grown.21
  • 22.2 tsp of sweeteners are available per capita in the U.S. daily; the American Heart Association recommends limiting daily added sugars to 6-9 tsp.22,23
  • Approximately 41% of U.S. adults and over 20% of 12-19  year-olds are obese (BMI > 30).24 Diet plays a significant role in health. Diets lacking fruits and vegetables can increase risk of heart disease, certain cancers, and stroke.25
  • U.S. EPA estimates that 30%-40% of the 2023 food supply was lost as waste, 50% more than in 1970.26,27 More food waste reaches landfills than any other material.26 This waste accounted for 22% of the municipal solid waste stream in 2018, a loss of $450 and around 350 pounds of food waste per person each year.28,27,26 For more information, see the MSW factsheet.
Material Flow in the U.S. Food System29 (1995, flows in million pounds)
Material Flow in the U.S. Food System


Life Cycle Impacts

  • The energy used by a system can be an indicator of its sustainability. Food accounts for over 12% of the national energy budget.30
  • The food system as a whole has developed a dependence on fossil energy; 13 units of (primarily) fossil energy are used for every unit of food energy available.19,31 Production of U.S. food results in 4.7 kg CO2e of GHG emissions and 25.2 MJ fossil fuel energy use per capita per day.32
  • Reliance on fossil fuel inputs makes the food system vulnerable to oil price fluctuations.29
  • Consolidation of farms, food processing operations, and distribution warehouses often increases the distance between food sources and consumers.294
  • Consolidation in the food system is also concentrating management decisions into fewer hands. Four firms control 85% of the beef packing market, and 82% of soybean processing is controlled by four firms.33 The top four food retailers sold almost 35% of U.S. food in 2019, compared to 15% in 1990.34
  • The UN estimates that food waste, excluding fish and seafood, costs around $750B annually.35 
Energy Flow in the U.S. Food System18,19,29,31,32

Solutions and Sustainable Alternatives

Eat Less Meat

  • Meat-based diets use twice as much more energy to produce as vegetarian diets.29
  • One serving of beef has more associated GHG emissions than 20 servings of vegetables.36 Meat production has significant impacts on land use, water use, and water pollution.37
  • In an average diet, meat consumption accounts for 31% of the water scarcity footprint— the water use that accounts for regional depletion.38
  • 20% of Americans cause half of the food-related GHG emissions; a shift away from meat reduces this up to 73%.32,39

Reduce Waste

  • Much household food waste is due to spoilage. Prevent food from going bad by buying smaller amounts, planning meals and sticking to shopping lists, and freezing, canning, or preserving extra produce.40
  • Direct-to-consumer meals streamline the supply chain, reduce food waste and last-mile transportation, and have 25% lower GHG emissions than store-bought meals.41 
  • Many safe foods are thrown out due to confusion about “sell-by” and “use-by” dates, for guidance, see the USDA.42
  • Whether washing dishes manually or in a dishwasher, save water and energy by not letting water run, rinsing in cold water, running dishwashers with full loads, and avoiding pre-rinsing dishes.43
Food Waste Sources and Destinations44
Food Waste Sources and Destinations

Use Refrigeration Efficiently

  • Home refrigeration accounts for 13% of all energy used in our food system.29 Refrigerator efficiency more than doubled from 1972 to 1990, when the first set of efficiency standards took effect, but increases in size have largely offset this improvement.29,45
  • Switching out old refrigerators with more efficient models (e.g., ENERGY STAR) can save energy and money. Also consider buying smaller quantities of fresh produce more frequently.29,46

Eat Organic

  • Organic farms do not use chemicals that require large amounts of energy to produce, pollute soil and water, and cause human health impacts. 
  • U.S. sales of organic food in 2022 were $61.7B, 19.6% higher than in 2019; organic food now accounts for approximately 6% of all food sold in the U.S.47

Eat Local

  • Transportation accounts for approximately 14% of the total energy used in the U.S. food system.48
  • Buying local food and promoting farm-to-table supply chains can save large quantitites of food from wasting.49
  • There is much room for improvement in how people acquire their food. Community Supported Agriculture and Farmers Markets are great ways to support your local food system.
Cite As

Center for Sustainable Systems, University of Michigan. 2024. "U.S. Food System Factsheet." Pub. No. CSS01-06.

  1. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Economic Research Service (ERS) (2023) Food Expenditure Series: Normalized food expenditures by all purchasers and household final users.


  1. USDA, ERS (2024) 2022 Census of Agriculture.


  1. U.S. Census Bureau (2022) “Monthly Population Estimates for the U.S."


  1. USDA, ERS (2019) 2017 Census of Agriculture.


  1. USDA (2023) America's Diverse Family Farms.


  1. USDA, ERS (2024) Food Dollar Series.


  1. Elitzak, H. (1999) Food Cost Review, 1950-97. USDA, Agricultural Economic Report 780.


  1. USDA, ERS (2023) Farm Labor.


  1. Konikow, L. (2013) Groundwater depletion in the United States (1900-2008). U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Scientific Investigations Report.


  1. USGS (2019) "Irrigation Water Use."


  1. USGS (2015) Water Use Data - Irrigation


  1. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) (2017) "Gulf of Mexico 'Dead Zone' is the Largest ever Measured."


  1. USDA, ERS (2019) Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators, 2019.


  1. USDA, ERS (2023) “Adoption of Genetically Engineered Crops in the U.S.”


  1. Borrelli, P., et al. (2017) “An assessment of the global impact of 21st century land use change on soil erosion.” Nature Communications, 8(1). 


  1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (2024) Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks 1990 - 2022.


  1. USDA, ERS (2015) “Archived Tables - Nutrient Availability.”


  1. USDA, ERS (2019) "Loss-Adjusted Food Availability - Calories."


  1. USDA, ERS (2022) "Food Availability."


  1. USDA, ERS (2024) Feed Grains Yearbook Tables.


  1. USDA, ERS (2022) "Loss-Adjusted Food Availability - Sugar and sweeteners (added)."


  1. American Heart Association (2019) Added Sugar Is Not So Sweet - Infographic.


  1. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2021) “Health, United States, 2019.”


  1. Harvard T.H. Chan, School of Public Health (2016) "What Should I Eat: Vegetables and Fruits."


  1. U.S. EPA (2023) "U.S. 2030 Food Loss and Waste Reduction Goal."


  1. Natural Resource Defense Council (2017) "Wasted: How America Is Losing Up to 40 Percent of Its Food from Farm to Fork to Landfill."


  1. U.S. EPA (2020) Advancing Sustainable Materials Management: 2018 Tables and Figures.


  1. Cuellar, A. and M. Webber (2010) "Wasted food, wasted energy: The embedded energy in food waste in the United States." Environmental Science & Technology, 44(16): 6464-69.


  1. Heller, M. and G. Keoleian (2000) Life Cycle-Based Sustainability Indicators for Assessment of the U.S. Food System, The University of Michigan Center for Sustainable Systems, CSS00-04.
  2. USDA, ERS (2017) The Role of Fossil Fuels in the U.S. Food System and the American Diet.


  1. Canning, P., et al. (2010) Energy Use in the U.S. Food System. USDA, ERS.


  1. Heller, M., et al. (2018) "Greenhouse gas emissions and energy use associated with production of individual self-selected U.S. diets." Environmental Research Letters 13(4):1-11.


  1. USDA, ERS (2016) Thinning Markets in U.S. Agriculture.


  1. USDA, ERS (2021) "Retail Trends."


  1. FAO (2013) Food Wastage Footprint - Impacts on Natural Resources.


  1. Tilman, D., & Clark, M. (2014) "Global diets link environmental sustainability and human health." Nature, 515(7528), 518–522.


  1. U.S. EPA (2021) “Agricultural Animal Production.”


  1. Heller, M., et al. (2021) “Individual U.S. diets show wide variation in water scarcity footprints.”


  1. Poore, J. and T. Nemecek (2019) "Reducing food's environmental impacts through producers and consumers." Science, 360(6392), 987-992.


  1. U.S. EPA (2021) “Reducing Wasted Food at Home.”


  1. Heard, B. R., Bandekar, M., Vassar, B., & Miller, S. A. (2019). “Comparison of life cycle environmental impacts from meal kits and grocery store meals.” Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 147, 189–200


  1. USDA, ERS (2019) "Food Product Dating."


  1. Porras, G., et al. (2020) A guide to household manual and machine dishwashing through a life cycle perspective. Environmental Research Communications, 2(2020).


  1. EPA (2023) 2019 Wasted Food Report


  1. Cornell Cooperative Extension (2003) "Replace Your Old Refrigerator and Cut Your Utility Bill."


  1. Energy Star (2023) Refrigerators.


  1. Friedman-Heiman, A. and Miller, S.A. (2024) "The impact of refrigeration on food losses and associated greenhouse gas emissions throughout the supply chain" Environmental Research Letters, 19: 064038.


  1. Organic Trade Association (2023) "Organic food sales break through $60 billion in 2022."


  1. State of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (2017) "Food Transportation."


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