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Barriers to technology transfer from university to society

CSS Publication Number
Full Publication Date
June 20, 2022

This article aims to present a diagnosis of the barriers to the transfer of technologies generated in universities to society. To this end, a bibliographical research was carried out, with content analysis, to identify these barriers worldwide, resulting in the following categories: cultural barriers, institutional barriers, structural barriers and relational barriers. The study carried out can provide support for the construction of strategies and public policies for science, technology and innovation in different territorial contexts.

Heloisa Cortiani de Oliveira
Valdir Fernandes

Technology transfer; Higher education institution; Public policy

Publication Type
Journal Article
Digital Object Identifier
Full Citation

DE OLIVEIRA, H.C. et al. Barreiras à transferência de tecnologia da universidade para a sociedade. Rev. Tecnol. Soc., Curitiba, v. 18, n. 54, p.89-105, out./dez., 2022. CSS22-52