Carbon Accounting Modeling Project: A Report Developed for and Supported by the U-M President's Commission on Carbon Neutrality
The Carbon Accounting Subgroup developed and implemented a comprehensive carbon accounting model for the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, Dearborn, and Flint campuses). The model integrates existing work completed by Internal Analysis Teams (IATs), External Analysis Teams (EATs), the Electrification Subgroup, and Office of Campus Sustainability, supplemented with additional analysis by the Carbon Accounting Subgroup. The model provides guidance and informs the Commission on emissions reduction strategies (including both technical and policy strategies) and their reduction potential over time, the development of carbon neutrality pathways, and selection of neutrality goal years. The Carbon Accounting Subgroup also developed an iterative analysis and goal setting process for the PCCN incorporating the carbon accounting model (Figure ES1).
Carbon Accounting, Carbon Neutrality
Keoleian, Gregory, Geoffrey Lewis, Nicholas Kemp, Nate Hua, and Stephen Hilton. Carbon Accounting Modeling Project: A Report Developed for and Supported by the U-M President's Commission on Carbon Neutrality. Michigan Publishing 978-1-60785-735-8