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Defining Next Generation Supply Chain Sustainability

CSS Publication Number
Full Publication Date
April 2015

The importance of understanding supply chain sustainability is being realized by increasingly more people, including corporate managers, investors, policy makers, customers and other stakeholders. A lot of practitioners and academic researchers have addressed this issue in past few years. However, most of their studies lack systematic thinking and are not quantifiable. Thus, a systematic and quantifiable model which incorporates economic, environmental and social factors is needed. In our study, a systematic and quantifiable risk assessment model based on the concept of “Triple Bottom Line” is developed in order to solve supply chain sustainability problem from risk assessment perspective.

Research Areas
Urban Systems and Built Environment

Risk assessment, Supply chain, Sustainability, TBL

Publication Type
Master's Thesis
Digital Object Identifier
Full Citation

Cui, Yuanyuan, Meng Hu, Xinkai Xu, Zhechi Zhang. (2015) “Defining Next Generation Supply Chain Sustainability.” Master’s Project, University of Michigan: Ann Arbor 1-58.