Michigan Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990 and 2002
Global climate change is said to be the greatest forthcoming human-environmental problem of the 21st Century. This report is the first greenhouse gas emissions inventory developed for the State of Michigan, providing estimates of the emissions of the most important anthropogenic greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, sulfur hexafluoride, perfluorocarbons and hydrofluorocarbons) in the years 1990 and 2002.
This inventory was developed in accordance with methodologies outlined by the U.S. EPA's State and Local Capacity Building Branch and the Emission Inventory Improvement Program (EIIP). The State Greenhouse Gas Inventory Tool (SIT) was used to calculate emissions for these gases from energy related activities (stationary and mobile combustion of fossil fuels and fugitive emissions), industrial processes (non-energy related activities), agricultural activities, land-use change (carbon sequestration resulting from land-use change, excluding forestry) and waste (solid waste and wastewater management activities).
Our results indicate that the total Michigan greenhouse gas emissions increased nine percent from 57.42 million metric tons carbon equivalent (MMTCE) in 1990 to 62.59 MMTCE in 2002. This increase was largely driven by an absolute gain in CO2 emissions from transportation. Overall, CO2 from fossil fuel combustion was responsible for over 85 percent of the total for both years. The largest contributor to the overall emissions was the electricity generation sector (33 percent of the total emissions in 2002), followed by the transportation sector (26 percent of the total emissions in 2002). Per capita emissions were 6.23 MTCE in 2002. This inventory serves as a resource for government, the public and business in the state to assist in developing policies and implementing strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
climate action plan, global warming, greenhouse gas inventory, State of Michigan
Bull, Pierre, Colin McMillan and Asako Yamamoto. 2005. Michigan Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990 and 2002. Master's Thesis, University of Michigan: Ann Arbor 1-212.