Displaying 889 - 912 of 988

Management of End-of-Life Vehicles (ELVs) in the US

This report seeks to provide a "snap-shot" detailing current management of end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) in the United States. The report is divided as follows: Chapter 1 - Introduction: Focused on e...

Residential Buildings

A factsheet that illustrates current unsustainable patterns of residential single-family housing in the United States, supplemented by selected CSS research results on the life-cycle environmental ...

Personal Transportation

A factsheet that illustrates current unsustainable patterns of personal transportation in the United States, supplemented by selected CSS research results on the life-cycle environmental impacts, a...

U.S. Food System

A factsheet that illustrates current unsustainable patterns of agricultural production and food consumption in the United States, supplemented by selected CSS research results on the life-cycle env...

Web-based Survey of Trends in Dematerialization

This research is a web-based survey of information and data trends on the topic of dematerialization.  Eco-efficiency, industrial ecology and dematerialization-related developments in nanotechnol...