MASTER'S PROJECT: Double Energy Productivity at the University of Michigan by 2030
Goals & Objectives:
The overall objective of this effort is to define the opportunity that exists on the U of M Ann Arbor campus to take a leading position in the change towards a more energy efficient environment. The first objective is to understand the current energy supply and energy demand details on the University of Michigan campus in Ann Arbor. The 2nd objective is to recommend how the campus could double energy productivity by 2030. Specifically, what is the energy usage today in campus housing, r&d buildings, administrative buildings, transportation, etc.? How does this compare with best in class energy usage patterns at other similar “campuses” in the US, in the world? What are the energy supply details today? What are the opportunities to increase renewable energy sources, demand response sources, energy efficiency sources, etc.?
Justification, Benefit, or Significance:
There is currently great focus on reducing greenhouse gases and carbon emissions on planet earth. The EPA, DOE and other US federal government agencies have put great focus on these efforts both in the US and across the globe, including China. Across the globe, there are various experiments ongoing to improve energy efficiency. Campuses such as the University of Michigan could ultimately play critical/leading roles in solving this problem. Additionally, various cities across the globe are also looking to solve this problem.
Activities & Duration:
Research methodologies are to be determined but Johnson Controls has data, knowledge, and capabilities that will assist the team. I believe the scope is doable within a 16 month time frame but as the team gets identified, actual scope will be discussed.
Expected Deliverables:
A report on the Ann Arbor campus current energy footprint. Report on other best in class “in development” worldwide solutions. Report on the $ and energy size of opportunity. Initial set of recommendations on how to move forward.
Teams’ recommendation will be shared with Johnson Controls Building Efficiency leadership team.