The Sustainability of the Maple Syrup Industry
Spencer Checkoway, offered some key insights from his team’s research into ways that this unique industry is adapting to climate change.
DTE power plant to support new ford EV complex in Tennessee
Sweet talk about carbon emissions in the maple industry
Two researchers from the University of Michigan, Geoff Lewis and Spencer Checkoway, who received a USDA-AMS ACER grant to conduct a carbon lifecycle assessment of maple syrup production.
Overcoming barriers to heat pump adoption in cold climates and avoiding the 'energy poverty trap'
A way to address climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Altering cancer treatment dosing could reduce climate impact, study finds
Improved refrigeration could save nearly half of the 1.3 billion tons of food wasted each year globally
A new study concludes that nearly half of the food waste, about 620 million metric tons, could be eliminated by fully refrigerated food supply chains worldwide.

SEAS student Maxwell Woody: Driving down emissions
To gain a better understanding of just how much electric vehicles may contribute to U.S.
Northern Michiganders are getting off propane — and on to natural gas
DTE Gas Company, a subsidiary of Michigan’s largest utility, is expanding its natural gas network to the area, giving over 1,000 homes and businesses the choice to switch to natural gas.
Global centre for climate change impacts on transboundary waters

SEAS researchers learn to multiply their impact through engagement with policy
More than 30 SEAS faculty, staff and students attended a workshop led by White House Deputy Chief Sustainability Officer Madeline Reeves and U-M Ford School Professor Barry Rabe.