Information Technology Factsheet

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) includes personal and business computers and smartphones, data centers, connectivity networks, and emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and cryptocurrency. The ICT sector continues to expand, using more energy and water resources, which presents challenges to achieving global climate goals.1 

Patterns of Use

  • 5.4B people (67% of the world’s population) are online, an increase of 45% since 2018.2
  • In 2022, 1.8B mobile phones, tablets, and PCs were sold worldwide, an 11.9% decline from 2021.3 Global smartphone sales peaked at 1.6B units in 2018 and decreased to 1.4B units by 2022.4 Globally, more people have mobile phones than access to safe sanitation.5,6
  • In 2021, 90% of U.S. households had a smartphone, 81% had a desktop or laptop computer, 64% owned a tablet, and 90% had a broadband internet subscription.7
  • In 2022, 33% of 8,000 global data centers were located in the U.S., 16% in Europe, and 10% in China.8 Virginia, Texas, and California accounted for 43% of 2023 U.S. data center load.9
  • Data center electricity demand is 40% from computing, 40% from cooling, and 20% from other IT equipment.8
  • Regional transmission organization PJM, serving eastern U.S, expects data centers to drive an increase in summer peak electricity load from 151 GW in 2024 to 178 GW by 2034.8
  • Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) quantifies a data center’s energy efficiency by dividing the total energy used by the energy used by IT equipment alone. The U.S. average annual PUE declined from 2.5 in 2007 to 1.6 in 2023.9

Energy and Environmental Impact

  • Computer electricity consumption varies greatly with age, hardware, and user habits. An average desktop computer requires 66 W (idle) and 1.9 W (asleep). Laptops require 33 W (idle) and 1.0 W (asleep).11 A 17” LCD monitor uses 13 W while on, 0.4 W in standby, and about 0.3 W when off.11
  • Each ChatGPT request is estimated to use 2.9 Wh of electricity, while a standard Google search uses 0.3 Wh.12
Estimated Electricity Use Per Request (Wh/request)12
  • The life cycle energy burden of a typical computer used for 3 years is 4,222 kWh, with 34% from the use phase.15 Manufacturing represents 60-85% of life cycle energy demand for a personal computer and 50-60% for mobile phones. Remanufacturing energy is 5-30% of manufacturing energy for personal computers and 5% for mobile phones.16
  • Globally, the ICT sector used 1,183 TWh of electricity in 2022, up 8.2% from 2020, with data centers increasing the most.1 Electricity used for AI, cryptocurrency, and data centers could double by 2026 to over 1,000 TWh.8 
  • Data centers used 240-340 TWh of electricity, or 1-1.3% of global electricity use in 2022. 17
  • U.S. data centers used 150 TWh of electricity in 2023, 4% of electricity use, equivalent to the annual use of 14M average households. Data centers used 26% of Virginia’s electricity in 2023, the highest among U.S. states.9
  • Cryptocurrency mining was estimated to use 67 TWh to 240 TWh of electricity globally in 2023, and 0.6% to 2.3% of electricity in the U.S.18
  • The ICT sector’s global carbon emissions were estimated to be 567 Mt CO2e in 2022, 1.7% of the world total.1 Estimated annual GHG emisions from cryptocurrency mining were 73 Mt CO2e in 2023.19 Electricity use in U.S. data centers results in 56.3 Mt CO2e emissions annually, 0.9% of the U.S. total.9, 20, 21
  • The data center boom has increased carbon emissions for tech companies22 - at Google by almost 50% from 2019 to 202323 and at Microsoft by nearly 30% since 2020.24
GHG Emissions for Electronic Products (kg CO2e)26
Embodied Greenhouse Gas Emissions Computing and Electronics Products
ICT Sector GHG Emissioons and Electricity Use1
  • Data centers are among the top ten commercial/industrial U.S. water users. The operational water footprint of data centers in 2018 was 135.5B gal/yr, with 75% attributed to electricity and 25% to onsite use. One-fifth of the data center onsite use occurs in water stressed regions, while nearly half of data centers use electricity from water stressed regions.25

Electronic Waste

  • In 2022, 62 Mt of e-waste was generated globally, 22% of which was recycled. This waste would fill 1.55M 40 t trucks.28
  • An estimated 5-30% of 40M computers used in the U.S. were exported to developing countries in 2010.29 In 2016, 34% of the e-waste tracked by GPS trackers in the U.S. moved offshore, mostly to developing countries.30 
  • In 2018, the U.S. disposed of 2.7M tons of consumer electronics, 39% of which were recycled.31
  • The main constituents of printed circuit boards used in mobile electronics are polymers and copper, with trace amounts of precious metals Ag, Au, and Pd, and toxic metals As, Be, Cr, and Pb.32 
  • 1 t of printed circuit boards has a higher concentration of precious metals than 1 t of mined ore.33
Material Composition of a Desktop Computer27
Composition of a Desktop Computer.

Paper Industry

  • In 2022, global paper and paperboard production fell slightly from 418 Mt in 2021 to 414 Mt. China is the largest producer, accounting for 31% of the world total in 2022, followed by the U.S. with 16%, or 65 Mt, a 12.7% decline from 2012.34 
  • Annual use of paper is expected to rise from 109 to 274 Mt between 2006 and 2060.35 The U.S. used approximately 18% of paper globally.36
  • Depending on the process, producing one ton of paper uses 12 to 24 trees.37 
  • In 2022, GHG emissions of the U.S. pulp and paper industry were 31.2 Mt CO2e,38 approximately equivalent to the annual carbon sequestered by 36M acres of forest.39

Sustainable Alternatives


  • AI applications in sustainability include optimizing energy and natural resources, grid management, informing disaster response, climate modeling, ecological forecasting, etc.40
  • Virtualization enables one physical server to run many independent programs and/or operating systems41, reducing the number of physical servers needed and promoting greater utilization of each server42, saving money while reducing the environmental burdens of running a data center43 
  • Data center energy efficiency can be improved by using combined heat and power systems. Heat recovered from electricity generation in the form of steam or hot water can be used by an on-site chiller to cool the data center.44
  • 3D printing has the potential to reduce 5–27% of global energy use in 2050.45
  • Telecommuting, or working from home, can save energy from decreased transportation, though savings are partially offset by increased energy use for IT, lighting, and heating/cooling.46 This has resulted in a 13% reduction in work-related energy use and a 14% reduction in GHG emissions in response to COVID in 2020 across the U.S.47

Take Action

  • The ICT sector accounted for 60% of renewable power purchases in 2021.1 
  • Choose Energy Star certified office equipment. The Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) rates the environmental impacts of computer products. If all servers in the U.S. met Energy Star standards, $1B in energy would be saved and 8.2 Mt of GHG emissions would be avoided yearly.48
  • Energy used by devices in standby mode accounts for 5-10% of residential energy use. Unplug electronic devices when not in use, or plug them into a power strip and turn that off.49 Turning off a computer when it is not in use can save 505 kWh, $50, and 433 lbs of CO2 per computer annually.20, 50
  • EPA recommends setting computer monitors to go to sleep after 5-20 minutes of inactivity, and setting desktop computers to stand by after 30-60 minutes.51
  • Avoid unnecessary printing and print double-sided on recycled paper if necessary.52
  • Extend the life of personal computers to delay the energy and materials burdens associated with making new equipment.16
  • Maximize the life of batteries by minimizing exposure to extreme temperatures and time spent at both 0% and 100% charge; avoiding fast charging and discharging.53
  • Recycle your unused electronics. Responsible Recycling (R2) and e-Stewards offer third-party certification for electronics recyclers to ensure the proper disposal of used electronics.54
Cite As

Center for Sustainable Systems, University of Michigan. 2024. “Information Technology Factsheet.” Pub. No. CSS09-07.

1. The World Bank, ITU (2024) Measuring the Emissions & Energy Footprint of the ICT Sector: Implications for Climate Action.

2. ITU (2024) Measuring digital development, Facts and Figures 2023.

3. Gartner (2023) Gartner Forecasts Worldwide Device Shipments to Decline 4% in 2023.

4. Statista (2024) "Number of smartphones sold to end users worldwide from 2007 to 2023."

5. GSMA (2024) The Mobile Economy 2024.

6. World Health Organization (2023) Progress on Household Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: 2000-2022.

7. U.S. Census Bureau (2024) Computer and Internet Use in the United States: 2021.

8. IEA (2024) Electricity 2024, Analysis and Forecast to 2026.

9. EPRI (2024) Powering Intelligence, Analyzing Artificial Intelligence and Data Center Energy Consumption.

10. LBNL (2014) Computer usage and national energy consumption: Results from a field-metering study.

11. Park, W., et al. (2013) Efficiency Improvement Opportunities for Personal Computers: Implications for Market Transformation Programs.

12. de Vries, A. (2023). The growing energy footprint of artificial intelligenc.

13. Roth, K., et al. (2002) Energy consumption by office and telecommunications equipment in commercial buildings, Volume 1: Energy Consumption Baseline. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service.

14. U.S. EIA (2022) Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey 2018.

15. Keoleian, G. and D. Spitzley (2006) Life Cycle Based Sustainability Metrics. Sustainability Science and Engineering.

16. Quariguasi-Frota-Neto et al. (2012) "An Analysis of the Eco-Efficiency of Remanufactured Personal Computers and Mobile Phones." Production and Operations Management Society, 21(1): 101-114.

17. IEA (2023) Data Centres and Data Transmission Networks.

18. U.S. EIA (2024) Tracking electricity consumption from U.S. cryptocurrency mining operations.

19. CBECI (2024) Bitcoin_Greenhouse Gas Emissions_Comparisons.

20. U.S. EPA (2024) Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID) 2022.

21. U.S. EPA (2024) Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2022, Executive Summary.

22. World Economic Forum (2024) AI and energy: Will AI help reduce emissions or increase demand? Here's what to know.

23. Google (2024) Environmental Report 2024.

24. Microsoft (2024) 2024 Environmental Sustainability Report.

25. Siddik, M. A. B., Shehabi, A., & Marston, L. (2021). The environmental footprint of data centers in the United States.

26. Teehan, P. and M. Kandlikar (2013) Comparing Embodied Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Modern Computing and Electronics Products. Environmental Science and Technology, 2013, 47, 3997−4003.

27. U.S. EPA (2016) Documentation for Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Factors Used in the Waste Reduction Model.

28. United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) (2024) The Global E-Waste Monitor 2024.

29. Kahhat, R. and E. Williams (2012) “Materials flow analysis of e-waste: Domestic flows and exports of used computers from the United States” Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 67: 67-74.

30. Basel Action Network (2016) Scam Recycling: e-Dumping on Asia by U.S. Recyclers.

31. U.S. EPA (2022) "Durable Goods: Product-Specific Data."

32. Holgersson, S., et al. (2016) "Analysis of the metal content of small-size Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) printed circuit boards—part 1: Internetrouters, mobile phones and smartphones." Resources, Conservation and Recycling (2017): 1-9.

33. Betts, K. (2008) Producing usable materials from e-waste. Environmental Science & Technology.

34. FAOSTAT (2024) Forestry Production and Trade.

35. Buongiorno, J., et al. (2012) Outlook to 2060 for World Forests and Forest Industries: A Technical Document Supporting the Forest Service 2010 RPA Assessment.

36. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (2019) Global Forest Products Facts and Figures 2018.

37. Conservatree (2012) “Trees into Paper.”

38. U.S. EPA (2023) Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program Pulp and Paper.

39. U.S. EPA (2024) Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator.

40. UPenn Environmental Innovation Initiative (2024 ) AI and environmental challenges.

41. Energy Star (2020) “Server Virtualization.”

42. Ruest, N. and D. Ruest (2009) Virtualization, A Beginner’s Guide. McGraw-Hill Osborne Media. 

43. Energy Star (2020) “Server Virtualization.”

44. U.S. EPA (2008) The Role of Distributed Generation and Combined Heat and Power Systems in Data Centers.

45. Verhoef, Leendert A., et al. (20218) The effect of additive manufacturing on global energy demand: An assessment using a bottom-up approach.

46. O'Brien, W. & F. Aliabadi (2020) Does telecommuting save energy? A critical review of quantitative studies and their research methods. Energy and Buildings, Article 110298.

47. Li, J., et al. (2022) "Assessing a Post COVID World: Energy and Emission Impacts of Telecommuting".

48. Energy Star (2020) “Enterprise Servers.”

49. LBNL (2019) "Standby Power: Frequently Asked Questions."

50. Bray, M. (2008) Review of Computer Energy Consumption and Potential Savings.

51. U.S. EPA (2017) Power Management for Computers and Monitors.

52. Environmental Paper Network (2008) Increasing Paper Efficiency.

53. Woody, M., et al. (2020) Strategies to limit degradation and maximize Li-ion battery service lifetime - Critical review and guidance. Journal of Energy Storage, 28, 2020.

54. U.S. EPA (2019) “Certified Electronics Recyclers.”


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