Autonomous Vehicles Factsheet
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) use technology to partially or entirely replace the human driver in navigating a vehicle while avoiding road hazards and responding to traffic conditions.1 The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) has developed, and the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) uses, a classification system with six levels based on the level of human intervention.2
SAE Levels of Automation2,3
Development of Autonomous Vehicles
AV research started in the 1980s when universities began working on two types of AVs: one that required roadway infrastructure and one that did not.1 The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has held “grand challenges” testing the performance of AVs on a 150-mi off-road course.1 No vehicles successfully finished the 2004 Grand Challenge, but five completed the course in 2005.1 In 2007, six teams finished the third challenge, which consisted of a 60-mi course navigating an urban environment obeying normal traffic laws.1 In 2015, the University of Michigan built Mcity, the first facility built for testing AVs. Research is conducted there on the safety, efficiency, accessibility, and commercial viability of AVs.4 Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), or drones, are being deployed for commercial ventures such as last-mile package delivery, medical supply transportation, and inspection of critical infrastructure.5
Autonomous Vehicle Technologies
AVs use combinations of technologies and sensors to sense the roadway, other vehicles, and objects on and along the roadway.6
Autonomous Vehicle Technologies1,7,8,9

Current and Projected Market
Key Market Leaders
- In 2021, North America was preceived to be leading the AV race ahead of China. In 2023, this perception was evenly split, according to a McKinsey survey.10
- Waymo has tested its vehicles by driving over 20M miles on roads and tens of billions of miles in simulation.11 Teslas have driven over 3B miles in Autopilot mode since 2014.12
- Other major players include Audi, BMW, Daimler, GM, Nissan, Volvo, Bosch, Continental, Mobileye, Valeo, Velodyne, Nvidia, Ford, as well as many other OEMs and technology companies.6,13
Regulations, Liability, and Projected Timeline
- Regulation will impact the adoption of AVs.14 In the U.S. there are no national standards or guidelines for AVs, allowing states to determine their own.14 In 2018, Congress worked to pass the AV Start Act that would have implemented a framework for the testing, regulating, and deploying of AVs. The legislation failed to pass both houses.15 As of February 2020, 29 states and D.C. have enacted legislation regarding the definition of AVs, their use, and liability.16
- Product liability laws need to assign liability properly when AV crashes occur, as highlighted by the May 2016 Tesla Model S fatality. Liability will depend on multiple factors, especially whether the vehicle was being operated appropriately to its level of automation.17,18
- Although researchers, OEMs, and industry experts have different projected timelines for AV market penetration and full adoption, the majority predict Level 5 AVs around 2030.19,20
Current Limitations and Barriers
- There are several limitations and barriers that could impede adoption of AVs, including lack of buyer demand, data security, protection against cyberattacks, regulations compatible with driverless operation, resolved liability laws, societal attitude and behavior change regarding distrust and subsequent resistance to AV use, and the development of economically viable AV technologies.6
- Weather can adversely affect sensor performance on AVs, potentially impeding adoption. Ford recognized this barrier and started conducting AV testing in the snow in 2016 at Mcity, utilizing technologies suited for poor weather.13
Impacts and Solutions
- Although AVs alone are unlikely to have significant direct impacts on energy consumption and GHG emissions, if effectively paired with other technologies and new transportation models, significant indirect and synergistic effects on economics, the environment, and society are possible.21,22
- One study found that when eco-driving, platooning, intersection connectivity and faster highway speeds are considered as direct effects of AVs, energy use and GHG emissions can be reduced by 9%.23
Metrics and Associated Impacts
- Congestion is predicted to decrease, reducing fuel consumption by 0-4%. However, decreased congestion is likely to lead to increased vehicle-miles traveled (VMT), partially offsetting the fuel consumption benefit.21
- Eco-Driving, a set of practices that reduce fuel consumption, is predicted to reduce energy consumption by up to 20%.21 However, if AV algorithms do not prioritize efficiency, fuel efficiency may actually decrease.24
- Performance, such as fast acceleration, is likely to become de-emphasized when comfort and productivity become travel priorities, potentially leading to a 5-23% reduction in fuel consumption.21
- Improved Crash Avoidance, due to the increased safety features of AVs, may allow for the reduction of vehicle weight and size, decreasing fuel consumption 5-23%.21
- Vehicle Right-Sizing, the ability to match the utility of a vehicle to a given need, has the potential to decrease energy consumption 21-45%, though the full benefits are only likely when paired with a ride-sharing on-demand model.21
- Higher Highway Speeds are likely due to improved safety, increasing fuel consumption 7-30%.21,25
- Travel Cost Reduction, due to decreased insurance cost and improvements in productivity and driving comfort, could result in increased travel, potentially increasing energy consumption 4% to 60%.21
- New User Groups are likely to increase VMT and fuel consumption by 2-10%.21
- Changed Mobility Services, such as an increase in ride-sharing could reduce energy consumption 0-20%.21,26
Although an accurate assessment of these interconnected impacts cannot currently be made, one study evaluated the potential impacts of four scenarios, each with unknown likelihoods. The most optimistic scenario projected a 40% decrease in road transport energy and the most pessimistic scenario projected a 105% increase in road transport energy.21
Projected Fuel Consumption Impact Ranges21,25
Potential Benefits and Costs
- 42,795 people died in vehicle crashes in 2022.27 94% of crashes are due to human error. AVs have the potential to remove/reduce human error and decrease deaths.28
- AVs have the potential to reduce crashes by 90%, potentially saving approximately $190B per year.29
- The U.S. AV market is expected to grow to over $75B in 2030, representing an increase of 350% from 2023.30
- The last-mile AV energy savings for public transportation were over 33% when compared to private vehicles.31
- Potential benefits include: improvements in safety and public health, increased productivity, quality of life, mobility, accessibility, and travel, especially for the disabled and elderly; reduction of energy use, environmental impacts, congestion, and public and private costs associated with transportation; and increased adoption of car sharing.1,14,32,33
- Potential costs include increased congestion, VMT, urban sprawl, total time spent traveling, and upfront costs of private car ownership leading to social equity issues; impacts on other modes of transportation; and increased concern with security, safety, and public health.1,14,25,33,34
Center for Sustainable Systems, University of Michigan. 2024. "Autonomous Vehicles Factsheet." Pub. No. CSS16-18.
- Anderson, J., et al. (2016) Autonomous Vehicle Technology: A Guide for Policymakers. Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, CA.
- Society of Automotive Engineers (2021) Taxonomy and Definitions for Terms Related to Driving Automation Systems for On-Road Motor Vehicles.
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) (2018) Automated Vehicles 3.0 Preparing for the Future of Transportation.
- University of Michigan (2019) MCity Test Facility.
- Federal Aviation Administration (2020) Fact Sheet – The UAS Integration Pilot Program.
- Mosquet, X., et al. (2015) Revolution in the Driver's Seat: The Road to Autonomous Vehicles.
- Adapted from The Economist (2013) How does a self-driving car work?
- Pedro, F. and U. Nunes (2012) Platooning with dsrc-based ivc-enabled autonomous vehicles - Adding infrared communications for ivc reliability improvement. Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), IEEE.
- Bergenhem, C., et al. (2012) Overview of Platooning Systems. Proceedings of the 19th ITS World Congress, Oct 22-26, Vienna, Austria.
- McKinsey & Company (2024) Autonomous vehicles moving forward: Perspectives from industry leaders.
- CNET (2020) Waymo Driverless Cars Have Driven 20 Million Miles On Public Roads.
- Electrek (2020) Tesla Drops A Bunch Of New Autopilot Data, 3 Billion Miles And More.
- Ford (2016) "Ford Conducts Industry-First Snow Tests of Autonomous Vehicles--Further Accelerating Development Program."
- Fagnant, D., and K. Kockelman (2015) Preparing a nation for autonomous vehicles: Opportunities, barriers and policy recommendations. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 77, 167-181.
- The National Law Review (2019) Autonomous Vehicle Federal Regulation
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- Gurney, J. (2013) Sue my car not me: Products liability and accidents involving autonomous vehicles." Journal of Law, Technology & Policy, 2(2013): 247-277.
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- Wadud, Z. et al. (2016) "Help or hindrance? The travel, energy and carbon impacts of highly automated vehicles." Transportation Research Part A 86: 1-18.
- Keoleian, G., et al. (2016) Road Map of Autonomous Vehicle Service Deployment Priorities in Ann Arbor. CSS16-21.
- Gawron, J., et al. (2018) “Life Cycle Assessment of Connected and Automated Vehicles: Sensing and Computing Subsystem and Vehicle Level Effects.” Environmental Science & Technology 52(5):3249–3256.
- Mersky, A. and C. Samaras (2016) "Fuel economy testing of autonomous vehicles." Transportation Research Part C 65: 31-48.
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- NHTSA (2018) Critical Reasons for Crashes Investigated in the National Motor Vehicle Crash Causation Survey.
- Bertoncello, M. and D. Wee (2015) Ten ways autonomous driving could redefine the automotive world. McKinsey & Company.
- Research and Markets (2024) United States Autonomous Vehicles Market, Size, Forecast 2024-2030, Industry Trends, Share, Growth, Insight, Impact of Inflation, Company Analysis.
- Moorthy, A., et al. (2017) "Shared Autonomous Vehicles as a Sustainable Solution to the Last Mile Problem: A Case Study of Ann Arbor-Detroit Area" SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars: 10(2).
- Cordts, Paige, et al. (2021) "Mobility challenges and perceptions of autonomous vehicles for individuals with physical disabilities." Disability and health journal 14.4 (2021): 101131.
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