Personal Transportation Factsheet

In the U.S., the predominant mode of travel is automobile and light truck, accounting for 85% of passenger miles traveled in 2020.1 The U.S. has just over 4% of the world’s population,  but 11.2% of the world’s cars, compared to 19.6% in China, 5.7% in Japan, 4.4% in Germany, and 4.9% in Russia.2,3 The countries with the most growth in registered cars since 1990 are China (18%), India (9.8%), and Indonesia (9.6%). Transportation use patterns indicate that the current system is unsustainable.3

Patterns of Use

Miles Traveled

  • Americans traveled 5.04T person-miles in 2020.1
  • U.S. population increased 37% from 1990 to 2022.2,4 Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) increased 49% over the same period.1
  • 68% of U.S. VMT occurs in urban areas.1

Vehicles and Occupancy

  • U.S. average vehicle occupancy has decreased from 1.87 persons per vehicle in 1977 to 1.5 in 2019.5,3
  • In 2022, the U.S. had 283M registered vehicles and 235M licensed drivers.1 
  • In 2022, 20.5% of U.S. households had three or more vehicles, 4% less than in 2017.6,7
Production Share by Model Year and Vehicle Type8

Average Fuel Economy

  • The average new vehicle fleet fuel economy peaked at 22 miles per gallon (mpg) in 1987, declined until the early 2000s, then increased again surpassing 22 mpg in 2009.8
  • The average fuel economy for a 2022 model year vehicle was 26 mpg: 33.3 mpg for a passenger car (sedan/wagon and car SUV) and 23.2 mpg for a new truck (truck SUV, minivan/van, and pickup).8
  • The U.S. has some of the lowest fuel economy standards of any industrialized nation, well below the European Union, China, and Japan.9
MPG by Model Year8

Vehicle Size and Power

  • From 1990 to 2022, average new vehicle weight increased by 26% due to SUV market share growth; the average weight of a new passenger car rose by 13%, while that of a new pickup truck increased by 32%. During the same period, horsepower increased by 92%, and acceleration improved by 34% (i.e., 0-60 mph times dropped).8
  • SUVs, vans, and pickups accounted for over 63% of new vehicles sold in the U.S. in 2021.8
  • Follow green lightweighting principles to reduce vehicle mass and improve energy efficiency.10 

Energy Use

  • The transportation sector makes up 28% of U.S. energy use.3 Since 1990, energy use in the sector grew by 20%, though the share of U.S. energy used for transportation increased by 1%.3
  • In 2019, American cars and light trucks used 15.1 quads of energy, representing 15% of U.S. energy consumption.3
  • In 2022, 94% of primary energy used for transportation came from fossil fuels; 89% of it from petroleum.11
  • The transportation sector accounted for 28.4% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in 2022—1,802 Mt CO2e.12
  • In 2022, passenger cars and light-duty trucks were responsible for 370 Mt CO2e and 660 Mt CO2e, respectively, together making up 57% of U.S. transportation emissions and 16% of total U.S. emissions.12

Life Cycle Impacts

  • A typical passenger car is responsible for various burdens during its lifetime (raw material extraction through end-of-life). Most impacts are due to fuel production and vehicle operations. 
  • Vehicle lifetime energy use for fuel production is 1.22 MJ/mi, for vehicle operations is 4.54 MJ/mi, and for material production, manufacturing, maintenance, and end-of-life combined is 0.56 MJ/mi.13  
  • GHG emissions (g CO2e/mi) for a current technology small SUV are 429 for an ICEV, 312 for a PHEV, 258 for an HEV, and 267 for a BEV with 200-mi range.22

Solutions and Sustainable Actions

Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled

  • Live closer to work. Driving to/from work represents 30% of vehicle miles driven, and the average commute is 12 miles. Consider telecommuting or working from home.3
  • In 2020, 74.9% of workers in the U.S. commuted  by driving alone, and only 9% of workers carpooled (a drop from 19.7% in 1980).3 Joining a carpool can help lower household fuel costs, prevent GHG emissions, and reduce traffic congestion.
  • Roughly one-fifth of vehicle trips are shopping-related. Combine errands (trip chaining) to avoid unnecessary driving.3
  • In 2022, traffic congestion caused Americans to spend an extra 8.5B hours on roads and burn an additional 3.3B gal of gas, 5% and 8% lower than 2019 levels respectively. Using alternative modes of transportation, such as bikes, buses, or trains can reduce GHG emissions and decrease wasted time and money.14
  • Micromobility (e.g., bikes, scooters) and shared transportation services (e.g., bike shares) have grown rapidly. In 2019, 136M trips were taken by shared micromobility users, more than 6 times the number of trips taken in 2015.3
U.S. Modes of Transportation to Work, 20203

Promote Energy Efficiency

  • Consider buying a best-in-class vehicle for fuel economy. Each year, the U.S. EPA and DOE publish the Fuel Economy Guide, which ranks the most efficient vehicles in production.15
  • Drive responsibly. Aggressive driving habits can lower fuel efficiency by 10% to 40%, and speeds over 50 mph significantly lower gas mileage.16
  • Gallons per mile (GPM) is a better indicator of fuel efficiency than miles per gallon (mpg). For instance, upgrading from a vehicle that gets 16 mpg to one that gets 20 mpg saves 125 gallons of fuel over 10,000 miles, whereas upgrading from a vehicle that gets 34 mpg to one that gets 50 mpg saves only 94 gallons over the same distance..17
  • When driving EVs, use battery charging best practices to maximize battery life and minimize GHG emissions.18 
Energy Intensity of U.S. Passenger Travel, 20193

Encourage Supportive Public Policy

  • Dense, mixed-use communities encourage foot and bike travel while reducing time between residences, businesses, and office spaces.
  • The EPA announced new emissions standards for light-duty and medium-duty vehicles for model years 2027-2032 and beyond, with a goal of reducing tailpipe GHG emissions from light-duty vehicles to 85 g/mi by 2032, which is 50% of the emission level for model year 2027.19 Additionally, in 2024, new vehicle fuel economy standards for model years 2027-2031 were established, including a 2% annual increase for passenger cars, and raising corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards to 50.4 mpg for new light-duty vehicles by 2031.20 
  • Some believe that fuel economy standards tied to vehicle size could incentivize a market shift toward larger vehicles (current trend).21
  • A University of Michigan study predicted vehicle size increases of 2-32%, which could undermine the progress made in fuel economy by 1-4 mpg.21
Cite As

Center for Sustainable Systems, University of Michigan. 2024. "Personal Transportation Factsheet." Pub. No. CSS01-07.

  1. U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) (2024) Highway Statistics 2022.

  1. U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (2024) The World Factbook.

  1. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Oak Ridge National Lab (2022) Transportation Energy Data Book Edition 40.

  1. U.S. Census Bureau (2000) Intercensal Estimates of the United States Resident Population by Age and Sex: 1990-2000.

  1. U.S. DOT (1981) Vehicle Occupancy: Report 6, 1977 National Personal Transportation Study.

  1. U.S. DOT (2019) 2017 National Household Travel Survey.

  1. U.S. DOT (2024) 2022 National Household Travel Survey.

  1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (2023) The 2023 EPA Automotive Trends Report.

  1. International Council on Clean Transportation (2020) Passenger vehicle fuel economy.

  1. Lewis, G., et al. (2019) Green Principles for Vehicle Lightweighting

  1. U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) (2024) Monthly Energy Review June 2024.

  1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (2024) Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2022.

  1. Argonne National Laboratory (2023) The Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Technologies Model (GREET) 2022.

  1. Schrank, D., et al. (2024) 2023 Urban Mobility Report. Texas Transportation Institute.

  1. U.S. DOE and U.S. EPA (2023) Fuel Economy Guide.

  1. U.S. DOE, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (2018) “Driving More Efficiently.”

  1. Larrick, R. and J. Soll (2008) "The MPG Illusion." Science, 320(5883): 1593-94.

  1. Woody, M., et al. (2021) Charging Strategies to Minimize Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Electrified Delivery Vehicles.

  1. US EPA (2024) Multi-Pollutant Emissions Standards for Model Years 2027 and Later LightDuty and Medium-Duty Vehicles

  1. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) (2024) USDOT Finalizes New Fuel Economy Standards for Model Years 2027-2031.

  1. Whitefoot, K. S., & Skerlos, S. J. (2012) Design incentives to increase vehicle size created from the U.S. footprint-based fuel economy standards. Energy Policy, 41, 402–411.

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