Chef Woo High-Protein Ramen Noodle Life Cycle Assessment: A Detailed Comparison with Animal-Based Protein Sources
Rationale and objective: This study was conducted by The Center for Sustainable Systems at University of Michigan to provide environmental performance of replacing meat consumption with consumption of the novel plant-based Chef Woo (CW) ramen noodle, a unique product that supplies 20g of plant-based complete protein per serving. Typical wheat-based ramen provides 5 g of protein and Borealis Foods, the producer of the Chef Woo ramen noodle, seeks to make this shelf stable, high protein ramen noodle more widely accessible and affordable, particularly to low-income and other economically vulnerable consumers. The goal of the study is to conduct a comparative assessment of CW and beef, pork, chicken and a plant-based burger and to highlight opportunities for improvement in the environmental performance across the supply chain.
Heller, M.C., G.A. Keoleian, S. Shockravi. (2022). Chef Woo high-protein ramen noodle life cycle assessment: A detailed comparison with animal-based protein sources. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food (LCA Foods 2022), 12-14 October 2022, Lima Peru, p. 392-396. CSS22-27